Actor Puts Out Good Record


I am shocked. An actor has put out a good record. No, it's not Billy Baldwin or Kevin Bacon. Indie film superstar Jason Schwartzman has put out a sweet solo record under the name Coconut Records. This record apparently came out 1 year ago, but appears to have only recently surfaced to the blogsphere (perhaps people were spending too much time listening to the Fleet Foxes and their boring, but somehow respected "music" put them in a slumber until now). Now I know the kid from Rushmore was part of Phantom Planet, but he was only the drummer and being a drummer in a pop band is like being a male pornstar. You are a necessary component to complete the project, but technology is always looking to replace you. Apparently Mr. Schwartzman's brother, Robert, is also the lead singer of the pop band Rooney. A friend of mine texted me a week ago to tell me that he just walked past a Hollister store in a mall and the band Rooney was playing live. I know, it's shocking that such a mediocre band from 5 years ago would be playing shows in a mall now. The mall show for bands in the past 10 years is the equivalent of the casino show for classic rock bands. Anyways, now that I have completely digressed, here is some of Jason Schwartzman's fine music that may or may not have been influenced by Weezer's the Blue Album:

Coconut Records - Back to You

Coconut Records - Nighttiming


Unknown said...

Agreed - this album is really good, nice find Coyote. Jason's second album "Davy" is complete and the whole thing can be heard on his myspace page:

On a totally separate note, check out this band: Listen to the track "burning". It's sort of like the Kings of Convenience and Starfucker had a baby.

Heard said...

Why thank you for the recommendations Ben. I am digging this second album by Mr. Schwartzman. I think it is as good as his first record. I have heard this Burning track before and it is also quite good. The other tracks by the Whitest Boy Alive are also pretty good, however, I wish they would continue the trend of putting vocals to music like so many before them have done. It really makes for good music.